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Tourism is great and will only get greater - Jamaica's Secret ....

Tourism Opportunities

Reiterating, Brand Jamaica is larger than ever and continues to grow. This is in no small part due to the continued exploits of the sports and entertainment talents of Jamaicans. An effect that is then compounded by the diaspora. 

The Tourism Industry has been a major beneficiary and will continue to be in the foreseeable future. The industry has been seeing meaningful growth over the last 3 years. It is projected to compound this growth by at least two (2) percent over the next few years. 2014 alone saw an increase in tourist arrivals by 4%. Jamaica’s True Treasures continues to be unearthed.

Growing Stopover arrivals. Source: Jamaica Tourist Board

The data and information below highlights just how big Tourism is and how it has the potential to transform Jamaica and Jamaicans. Approximately 1 Billion individuals (just over 14% of the world's population) traveled to another country year in 2013. Roughly 25.1 million tourists from across the globe visited the Caribbean in 2013. Approximately 61.5 million American left their shores in 2013. 6.5 Million of them travelled to the Caribbean in 2013. As a result a large proportion of travelers are looking for travel and vacation related information. 

              Colidez  Sweet Music Jamaica  Tech Life

A record 2 million Stopover visitor from all over the world came to Jamaica in 2013. 1.28 Million Cruise-ship passengers passed by in 2013.  Given the sheer size of the market and the growth potential, every Jamaican should be considering how to target the tourism market with creative productsIf one cannot see it for themselves, several leading media and travel experts and websites highlight just how great Jamaica is as a travel destination below:

Tripadvisor - 2014 Travellers Choice - rates Negril and Ocho Rios among the Top 10 Destinations in the Caribbean. They also rate Seven Miles Beach in Negril amongst the Top 25 Beaches in the Caribbean.

Huffington Post believes Frenchman's Cove in Jamaica is a Caribbean beach you should go to before you die.

Business Insider's editor Asta Thrastardottir, list the following nine(9) Jamaican destinations among The 24 Best All-Inclusive Resorts in The Caribbean:
Iberostar Grand Hotel Rose Hall, Montego Bay, Jamaica - #1
Half Moon, Montego Bay, Jamaica - #5
Jewel Dunn's River Beach Resort & Spa, Ocho Rios, Jamaica - #6
Couples Negril, Negril, Jamaica - #7
Couples Sans Souci, Ocho Rios, Jamaica - #10Secrets St. James Montego Bay, Montego Bay, Jamaica - #14
Secrets Wild Orchid Montego Bay, Montego Bay, Jamaica - #15
Couples Tower Isle, Ocho Rios, Jamaica - #17
Sunset at the Palms Resort, Negril, Jamaica - #19

Business Insider also notes Jamaica is the best Caribbean destination for music lovers.

To top all these accolades Business Insider's editor Melia Robinson and Andy Kiersz ranks Jamaica as the 9th Best Caribbean Island out of  25.

Theses are just a few of the things that are reported on throughout the web. To add to the above Jamaicans know the food is great, there is the sun, sea, sand, sex, lush country side, world renowned music and sport people, rich heritage and the list of attractions is enormous. People from all over the world can come for tourism of practically any kind.

Given all these great qualities of the Jamaican tourism product its undoubtable that the Tourism Industry is poised to grow. Creative artisans and makers of non-traditional designer fashion are just some of the people that have huge opportunities going forward here. This represent one more opportunity for Jamaicans to capitalize on a devaluing Jamaican dollar.

Those who own tourism related properties are raking in huge profits from the value earned through leveraging Brand Jamaica and its time every Jamaica realize the kingdom they were born in and its potential.

Production for Export - Major Opportunities in an Enormous Market 
There are over 7 billion people on earth, over 3 billion internet users, over 2.5 billion smart phone users and over 2 billion social media users. Connecting to an audience that is both interested in your product and have the ability to purchase has never been easier. Colidez can make it happen. Should anyone choose to .....

Import Substitution Opportunities (Coming Soon)
Producing Agricultural products is one of several import substitution opportunities. International Trade Centre data show that Jamaica imported US$10.7 million in sheep meat and US$4.6 million in goat meat in 2012. 

Jamaica - The Caribbean's most Valuable Property

Social Drinks of Jamaica

Jamaican's Reping on the World Stage

Translating Publicity to Prosperity

              Colidez  Sweet Music Jamaica  Tech Life


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