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Translating Publicity into Prosperity

Jamaica is often compared to a small country in Asia that while it is known it is just not that well known. That country happens to be Singapore.
Tessane Chin strikes a beautiful pose.

So the data establishes that Jamaican's wealth has grown sluggishly relative to Singapore over the last 40 years. Yet Jamaica and Jamaicans are known world wide for our infectious music, sport dominance and bodacious culture. Jamaicans have given the world so much to be excited about but the value gained has not translated to meaningful development.

The obvious explanation has been the mismanagement by the political powers. While this may be so I can't help but also lay blame at the foot of the people, for too often the destructive "eat a food" mentality has dominated the constructive cultural creativity exhibited by the music. As a people we have also allowed the destructive few to dictate the rules of many that has resulted in the country being pilfered to a state of poverty or note depending on how you view it. Highlighting this is not the aim of this article however, but to envision a thought of transformation and creation.

Jamaicans and Jamaica needs to be reminded that for a small country (just shy of 11,000 square kilometers) Jamaica and Jamaicans has reach every corner of the globe through it music, sports. academics and culture. The people are infectious and proud and rightly so because its a nation with a quality and character that is unmatched.
The Great Usain Bolt.

Every year our athletes from so many sports disciplines chart new paths and leave a trail for others to follow. In 2013 alone we saw the track athletes dominate the IAAF World Championships, Alia Atkins win medal after medal in the FINA Swimming World Cup Tour, Chris Gayle lead the Tallawahs to winning the inaugural Caribbean Premier League, and the Sunshine Girls cop third place in the World Fast 5 Series. (Also read: Jamaica's 7 Amazing 2013 Moments)

The great thing however, its not only our sports men and women that have shun in 2013 but our musicians, entertainers and other cultural personalities and without a doubt  I can't go on without recognizing the great achievement of Tessanne Chin winning in the season 5 of the tv program The Voice.

Interestingly while ridiculed for her country hopping the Prime Minister was a well travel representative of the country and as a result would have advocated on the behalf of the country. (Also read: It's Time to Invest in Jamaica)

Taking all this into consideration, 2013 saw Jamaica being well represented on the international stage and this now brings me to the crooks of the matter. As a country in 2013 we have been well publicized and received, now in 2014 as a country we need to leverage this refreshed image of this our very contagious country and make it bigger and better for 2014. Lets Big-Up every Jamaican, let's work together to find solutions to problems of crime and create opportunities to invest in and develop our people. Jamaica has something that the world needs and in colloquial terms we need to "Give it to dem". (Also read: 27 Countries Jamaica should Infect with its Fascinating Qualities)

Just my thought, everyone should hop on a bandwagon and help to re-create that Jamaica that we all would want to work and live in.

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5 Great and Memorable Olympic Moments for Jamaica

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