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Exploring Jamaica's True Treasure Mines

If one follows the news and the politics of one particular island of the Caribbean one could easily be misled to believe that the country is possibly a hell hole. After all, things have been challenging for years,  and honestly Jamaica as a country has struggled with crime and corruption, dilapidated infrastructure and a slow economy but the truth and reality is that the country is a living breathing gold mine just waiting to be explored and its content refined. Over the last few years I have been observing, exploring and taking note of these resources  and I am only hoping that one day having recognized these treasures, I extract and refine them for the world to enjoy. Jamaica's most precious mines as explored by me are noted below:

Emerald food Mines of Jamaica

Many countries can lay claim to them having the best food but I believe Jamaica aka Yard aka Jamrock aka Jamdown, just has the best variety of food in di world. Its just impossible to name just one food that stands out.  I tried to list all the fruits that we may find on this island, I believe I have about a hundred and mi nuh know if di list done. Its not just the fruits though, from the fish at di beach to jerk we preach, all this set a standard no other country can reach and when we want to have fun we get sum Appleton Rum, one of the most notable rums of the world. Its this mixture that is just pure all around greatness and it is form this variety that we as a people can apply our creativity to add value to our resource that will only bring more spice to life.

The Attractions are Mines for Diamonds

Everyone knows the really nice beaches but some of the true treasure lies inland. Now there are many beautiful, beautiful  water falls scattered all throughout the island. There are some of the most rejuvenating hot spring and decadent rivers and gardens just for relaxing, hidden right here a yard, and if one takes a good island trip I 'm sure they will be amazed at the shear variety of the scenery: from Bamboo Walk to a Fern Gully or a rolling Junction hillside. When all this is combined with the modern pleasures such as a Dolphin Cove or a Mystic Mountain, I man no think the fun cyan dun. If a few can develop such gems, I believe others being just as enterprising, too can polish our other diamonds in the rough.

Mines full of Golden Events

Places are one thing but life should only keep getting better. From East Coast to West Coast, from Portland (Porkland) Jerk Festival to the ATI and Dream Weekend. From January  with the Jamaica Jazz and Blues to December with a Sting, events are everywhere throughout the year. No wonder Jamaica is rated as being so "cool". Given all this I believe its possible to mine even more gold.

Platinum People

While all of the above is quite valuable Jamaica's most prized resource is its people. From the likes of Usain Bolt, Asafa Powell to a Merlen Ottey or a Veronica Campbel-Brown;  the Sunshine girls and Reggae boys; from Lady Saw to Etana, Vybze Kartel  to a Sean Paul these are people who have each contributed to Jamaica's International presence.  If one considers the likes of a Elephant Man, a Tanto Blacks or comedians such as Ity and Fancy Cat one can only conclude Jamaica is just bursting with character and personality. All this pronounced with a strong and distinctive dialect.  And it is this, the people, that is the most valuable treasure that ought to be continually  explored, refined and shared with the  world so as to generate value to build the country.

These things are so rare they can be found only on this island. Over the coming months I will embark on a journey to explore these  treasures and share with the world.  So join me and lets go explore.


  1. I think the information prsented by Mr O.S.takes an interesting point of view. I awaits his futher thoughts.


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