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Exporting your way out of Poverty - Devaluing Jamaican Dollar makes me Wealthier Daily

Production for Export - Major Opportunities in an Enormous Market 
There are over 7 billion people on earth, over 3 billion internet users, over 2.5 billion smart phone users and over 2 billion social media users. Connecting to an audience that is both interested in your product and have the ability to purchase has never been easier. Colidez can make it happen. Should anyone choose to focus on the US import market alone, the value of consumer goods (excluding capital goods) is over over US$25 billion monthly. It should also be noted that the Jamaican Diaspora in the US ranges between 2 and 4 million people. This grows by approximately 10,000 person annually.

A Distinguished Jamaica 
Having explored the potential market size, let's investigate the local characteristics that sets Jamaica apart. With Jamaica's increased ranking in the International Logistics Performance Index (Ranked 70/160 up from 124 in 2012) and the Government's work on an Integrated Logistics Hub, along with Jamaica’s relatively central location in relation to Africa, Europe, North and South America, there is potentially no better location and hence opportunity than investing in the export industry at this time. It's also important to remember that Jamaica's Kingston Harbor is a major International Transshipment point as well as one of the best and largest natural harbors in the world. The sweetest deal in all this is Jamaica has relatively easy access to the US$25 billion monthly market as it is under 600 miles from Miami, Florida, USA. Only a hand full of countries are closer to the US.

              Colidez  Sweet Music Jamaica  Tech Life

Creative products that have inputs from locally produced raw materials have a natural advantage and immense export potential particularly when leveraging Brand Jamaica and represents a huge investment opportunity. Case in point is that of coffee. Jamaican Branded Coffee producers must have smiled all the way to the bank in 2014. Coffee prices on the world market increased approximately 50% and should theses players export this product they would have benefited further from the devaluation of the Jamaican dollar by 7.78%. Cocoa producers could have also benefited from a similar scenario and there are other who can to.

Jamaican food and beverage, designer fashion and craft, as well as furniture all represent interesting avenues worthy of exploration. Value added products also have a significant opportunity on the assumption that imported raw materials can be sourced at very low cost and should not be overlooked. Think of what you can do to export.

There is no doubts that challenges exist but, should well thinking and committed people choose to work together they are not insurmountable. There are many creative ideas that have turned mountains into mole hills. Overcoming the challenges involve producing the required quantities with the required consistency to meet the acceptable standards. Hence this is a call for all to raise their production game. Accessing and marketing to the desired target market has also always been a challenge and now there are cost effective ways to effectively reach your audience. Marketing of Jamaican products to the world is also becoming very easy when one considers the technologies a company like Colidez leverages.

Many individuals have leveraged this opportunity and are reaping major benefits. The market is large and there is more room for more Jamaican players.

Import Substitution Opportunities (Coming Soon)
Producing agricultural products is one of several import substitution opportunities. International Trade Centre data show that Jamaica imported US$10.7 million in sheep meat and US$4.6 million in goat meat in 2012. Meat substitute alone can .......

Tourism Opportunities (Coming Soon)
Reiterating, Brand Jamaica is larger than ever and continues to grow, and this is no small thanks to the continued efforts and exploits of the sports and entertainment talents of Jamaicans and boosted by the diaspora. The Tourism Industry has .....

Jamaica - The Caribbean's most Valuable Property

              Colidez  Sweet Music Jamaica  Tech Life


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