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Taking the fight to Chikungunya - A few things everyone should consider

              Colidez  Sweet Music Jamaica  Tech Life

At the current rate of spread everyone including my late Grandmother will be catching Chikungunya before Christmas. The unbelievable statistics of note is that the first case of the virus in Jamaica was only reported on July 17, 2014. In only two (2) months without official data but careful observations it would seem that one in every three hundred Jamaicans between St. Thomas and St. Catherine has what appears to be symptoms of Chikungunya. This would therefore suggest that as much as 5,000 Jamaicans could have, by now, been infected with the virus. This also suggest that as much as 100,000 persons could potentially contract the virus by the end of October and theoretically the entire island by Christmas.

Given this, here is the reality every Jamaican must face. Everyone is at high risk of contracting the Chikungunya virus and more so as the Government really does not have the resources to adequately contain the spread. It may be slowed but the reality is that it is already so widely dispersed that it will be very hard to contain at this stage with the limited resources.

Everyone should therefore brace themselves as the probability of contracting the virus is increasing daily. Given the almost inevitable scenario the following paragraphs serves as guide to help you delay the possibility, identify the illness as best as possible, and encourage individuals to boost their health in anticipation of the virus in order to mitigate the ill effects and aid in recovery.

The Chikungunya virus is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Public enemy number 1 - seek and destroy them.

Aedes aegypti mosquito

According to the World Health Organization fact sheet on Chikungunya symptoms include fever, severe headaches, severe pain in the joints, muscle pains, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and a rash.

Seek and remove mosquito breeding sites.
Pour bleach in water filled areas
Fog heavily infested mosquito breeding areas.
Utilize Insect spray around possible breeding areas.

Seek to acquire and utilize when you can the following items:
  • Mosquito destroyer
  • Mosquito repellent. Repellents should contain DEET (N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide), IR3535 (3-[N-acetyl-N-butyl]-aminopropionic acid ethyl ester) or icaridin (1-piperidinecarboxylic acid, 2-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-methylpropylester).
  • Mosquito swatters and zappers
Also seek to wear light colour clothing that covers as much of the body as possible.

Health Preparation 
Start consuming more vitamins in particular vitamin C to boost your immune system. 
Exercise as best as possible without stressing the body weakening the immune system. 
Get adequate rest.


There is no specific antiviral drug treatment for Chikungunya. Additionally there is no commercial chikungunya vaccine. 

Treatment is directed primarily at relieving the symptoms, including the joint pain using anti-pyretics, optimal analgesics and fluids. 

Chicken Soup

Consume as much chicken and vegetable soup as possible it provides vitamins and minerals necessary to boost the immune system, fluids the body may need and contributed to the energy requirements of the body at the time. Also consume daily multivitamins; vitamin C drink mixes to boost my immune system; and drink mix for the aching/joint pain/arthritis relief where available.

If everyone joins the fight the probability of contacting the virus can be reduced significantly.

              Colidez  Sweet Music Jamaica  Tech Life


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