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It's Time to Invest in Jamaica

Interestingly there happens to be a country that is unbelievably alluring. There also happens to be only one  country that is capable of packing an amazing amount scenic beauty, incredible amounts of entertainment, tasteful foods and a very fascinating and infectious people which when combined prove to be an unbelievable package. The only country that fits this bill is of-course Jamaica.

Why invest?
Adequate Ports for easy access.
  • Norman Manley International
  • Sangster International
  • Ian Fleming International
Cruise Ship Ports:
  • Montego Bay
  • Falmouth
  • Ocho Rios
  • Port Antonio
As a country, Brand Jamaica is one of the most recognized tourism brands in the world. With visitor arrivals recording steady growth the possibility to ensure returns on investments. Stay over visitor arrivals to Jamaica in 2011 reached a record 1.97 Million people. Cruise ship-passengers arrivals to Jamaica in 2011 also registered a record 1.124 Million arrivals an amazing 7% of total World-Wide Cruise Ship passengers in 2011.

With sports becoming more and more prominent of late, Brand Jamaica can be expanded to incorporate Jamaica National Sports Teams. Given the notables of late which includes Jamaica Netballers in New Zealand, Alia Atkinson in China, Nicholas "Axe Man" Walters in the United States and the West Indies Cricket Team in India Brand Jamaica reaches more people world wide now more than ever. 

Where to invest?
Negril, Westmoreland; Montego Bay, St. James; Falmouth, Trelawny; Ocho Rios, St. Anns; Boscobel, St. Mary; Port Antonio, Portland. Options stretch the length and breadth of the country because there is so much to see and so when one arrives in Jamaica. (Several events keep Jamaica and Jamaicans a buzz throughout the year.)

It is these reasons that Jamaicans should connect to the world. There is however more that can be done to impact economic development. Tourism can be developed further with greater focus on offering the wider entertainment (Music & Sports Events) activities to guest. Jamaica is flooded with entertainers and most should be projected as Entertainment Ambassadors. Music, dance and fashion entertainers engage the world  incessantly and should be accorded cultural entertainment and lifestyle ambassadors. Just another thing worth investing in. The people.

With many notable sports personalities in a range of meaningful disciplines it would also be meaningful to invest in the athletes who boldly represent a country. Sports Tourism - Every time and athlete steps on a track, a footballer on a field, a netballer on a court, a cricketer on a pitch its an advertisement for club Jamaica. Sports ambassadors - Athletes - Cricketers - Footballers - Netballers.

What to invest in?
Invest in Casinos. Invest in health, wellness and happiness. There is they usual leisure and pleasure tourism. With a healthy dose of sun and sea, throw in some sex on the island and one will be amazed how much life that adds to ones years. Given all the foods and plants that Jamaica has at its disposal, health tourism has huge potential as an area for investment.  The people and the talent continues to shine and international sponsors can gain much from our international brand of athletes. Least of which is the much talked about and anticipated Logistics Hub.

Jamaica is the place to invest. 


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