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A Few Reasons for Young Jamaicans to be Concerned about Jamaica's Governmental Leadership

1. 20 Member Cabinet of the Government contradicting statement by Portia Simpson-Miller in 2011.

In May 2011 - After naming her 18-member shadow Cabinet in May last year, Simpson Miller said if she were in government, the number would not be that high.
"I did not announce an 18-member Cabinet. I'm not the Government," she said when asked if that would be the size of her Cabinet.
She continued: "You would not have 18 ... I would not be giving the country a breakfront," she quipped.
Less than a year later, Simpson Miller has unveiled a Cabinet that is bigger than her slate of shadow spokespersons. Source:

2. The $1 billion Cabinet.

While most Jamaican's might not have noticed it but the PNP lead administration will cost the Jamaican public close to $1 billion over the course of the five (5) year elected governance term. Considering that Jamaica is heavily indebted, economic growth is slow and inflation is high this is by no means beneficial to the development of the country, or will Jamaicans get value for their money.

3. NHT $45 billion dollar transfer. 

In his opening presentation in the 2012-2013 budget debate in Gordon House the Minister of Finance Dr. Peter Phillips boldly told the Jamaican people that, “It cannot make sense to break into an empty shop, mek no sense to raid an empty cupboard. There is very little in the cupboard at this point in time." He also went on to note, "everyone should be aware that the public resources in this special period of economic challenges are severely limited."

Given the fact that one shop was empty it made sense to break into another. The criminal mentality of the act has not and will not elude all. The working class of Jamaica risks loosing their an already slender ability to purchase and acquire a home under current economic conditions. Jamaica country at alarming economic risk.

4. No new taxes announced in the 2013-2014 budget debate. But,

February 13, 2013 - New taxes imposed on Jamaicans.

One of the most disappointing things done to date by this new PNP administration is to say to the Jamaicans public that there were no new taxes in the new budget. For me this is a blatant disregard for the intelligence of the Jamaican people.

If Jamaicans fail to stand up and take note we all run the risk of accepting as our fate a dismal future.


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