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Showing posts from March, 2014

Foreign Exchange Earning Focus

Colide Z         Sweet   Music   Jamaica      Tech Life If it wasn't clearer before its now clear as day, Jamaicans must now look to earning foreign exchange in an effort to survive in a very challenging economic environment. The Jamaican dollar relative to the US Dollar at the time of writing the article was US$1:JM$109.49. The revelation while not new to most has been recently underscored by the fact that exchange rate is bearing down on yet another key psychological level. Using data compiled from the bank of Jamaica's website, had I been earning US$1,000.00 per month as of January 1, 2012 I would have been getting JM$86,750.00 as my monthly salary. Today assuming I had not gotten an increase in salary I would have been earning JM$109,490.00 today (Friday, March 21, 2014). Another way to look at this is that had I been earning JM$86,750.00 per month back January 1, 2012 and my salary had not increased, what I could afford to buy now would be only what JM$73,082.1

5 Simple Sensible Observations for Financial Health

Colide Z         Sweet   Music   Jamaica      Tech Life Mark Twain once wrote "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way". People often say experience is the best teacher and as a result I learn from the experiences of other people, good and bad. It may also be sensible for people to also learn from my own experiences. Given this as it relates to financial success many people often refer to one of the richest men of the twenty first century for guidance as to how they are to navigate the world to achieve significant wealth. But as an average person my experience has show me financial health is just as good. Here are five simple things life has taught me about financial health. Delay loans as long as possible - Cash is King Unless critical, delay loans as long as possible and save as aggressively as possible towards your goals. Paying for expensive goods in cash can save you tonnes of money over the long run. forget what f

The Future of Goat Islands Jamaica

Colide Z     Sweet   Music   Jamaica      Tech Life The Goat Islands consist of two cays off the south eastern coast of Jamaica, which is home to animals and marine life. The future of this island  is a topic that has been on everyone's tongue for the past few months. Now I believe we all would like to see development of the country's resources, but just how should this development take place?  This  could be, this  or this.   Should we preserve or develop this pristine island? If we should develop how should this development be done? What  do you  think? Colide Z     Sweet   Music   Jamaica      Tech Life